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Garin Horner
Aug 11, 20231 min read
The Great Work
Hermetic Artist Lyam Thomas Christopher claimed, “A system of thought can never take the place of spiritual experience…[which reshapes]...
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Garin Horner
Jul 29, 20231 min read
On Transformation
On transformation George Kingswood wrote: “Nothing is static, everything is in a state of metamorphosis, of becoming something else....
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Garin Horner
Jul 23, 20231 min read
Metamorphosis vs Transmutation
In regard to the nature of transmutation vs metamorphosis, in Alchemy the term metamorphosis is rarely used, even though it applies in...
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Garin Horner
Jul 14, 20231 min read
Haunted Houses
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, in an excerpt of his poem Haunted Houses, wrote on the material and ethereal realms and the interactions...
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Garin Horner
Jul 11, 20231 min read
Want Spiritual Transformation? Ask Spirits for Help!
Connecting with spirits can be a personal and profound experience that can potentially support spiritual growth. Yet, remember to...
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Garin Horner
Jul 5, 20231 min read
Ra and His Artificers of Light
In ancient Egypt, the origin of the god Ra is associated with the concept of creation emerging from a darkness akin to the protective...
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Garin Horner
Jun 28, 20231 min read
The Light of the Phoenix is Treasured by Photo-Alchemists
The light produced by a phoenix is highly treasured by photoalchemists. The mystical and radiant nature of a phoenix's light offers...
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Garin Horner
Jun 23, 20231 min read
The Alchemical Phoenix
In alchemy, the phoenix is a powerful and symbolic creature often associated with transformation, rebirth, and immortality. It holds a...
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Garin Horner
Jun 16, 20231 min read
Darkroom Magic, Part 1
Darkroom Magic Part 1 The magic of seeing a print appear in the darkroom developing tray is an experience that captivates and enthralls...
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Garin Horner
Jun 12, 20231 min read
The Ouroboros
The word "Ouroboros" is derived from the Greek words "oura" (tail) and "boros" (eating), and it has appeared in various mythologies,...
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Garin Horner
Jun 10, 20231 min read
Solve et Coagula
The phrase represents a fundamental concept in alchemical philosophy, expressing the idea that in order to transform and create something...
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Garin Horner
Jun 5, 20232 min read
The Desire to Know
If you have an unyielding desire to understand the spirit world, there are several approaches once can take: Research and Study: Begin by...
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Garin Horner
May 31, 20231 min read
Alchemist & Photographer George Kingswood
Who is photographer, alchemist, George Kingswood? ”GK turned out to be a modern-day alchemist who, from the beginning, had set his sights...
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Garin Horner
May 27, 20231 min read
There are as many spiritual practices as there are people!
The world is incredibly diverse when it comes to spiritual practices. Deeply meaningful practices often involve seeking a connection to...
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Garin Horner
May 23, 20231 min read
Photo-Artist as Alchemist
Both the alchemist and the photographer can conjure fire, typically through different means and for different purposes. Alchemists seek...
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Garin Horner
May 21, 20231 min read
Alchemy and ART
Art has long played a significant role in the practice of alchemy, serving as a means of expression and a tool for transformation....
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Garin Horner
May 20, 20231 min read
Spiritual Alchemy
Spiritual Alchemy Everyone’s spiritual practices are alchemical in that they rely on each path’s transformative methods to grow and...
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Garin Horner
May 18, 20231 min read
Hermes Trismegistus Standing upon Typhon. He has Conquered His Greatest Obstacles... Reach the Golden Peak! “Typhon was known as the father of all monsters. He was like a fire-breathing dragon with 100 heads, and he...
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Garin Horner
May 16, 20231 min read
Hermes Rising with the Scepter of Divine Illumination - May its Rays Increase Our Creativity 100X!
All hail Thee who standeth upon the head of Typhon!’…The next instant, with a blaze of unbearable glory that sent the neophyte staggering...
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Garin Horner
May 13, 20231 min read
Sun to Energy to Light to Photograph to Fire to Sun
George Kingswood said, "Nothing is static, everything is in a state of metamorphosis, of becoming something else. Energy, which cannot be...
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